Meeting Summaries

Minutes are also available as PDF files.
June 1, 2018 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
Meeting Summary
Ann Holladay | Kevin Hendricks | Becky Anthony |
Kim Hendricks | Pastor Ida Ositelu | Tywanda Griffin |
Pastor Michelle Harding | Debra Vecton | Jacqueline Jones |
Carol Kunkle | Myra Torres | Ed Thomas |
Liam Flichinger | Elizabeth Jaramillo |
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Friday June 1 meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (ESHTTF) held at Brookletts Place Senior Center, Easton.
- Review April Meeting Summary – Ed reviewed the highlights of the April meeting regarding:
- National Center on Sexual Exploitation Global Summit – Members were encouraged to take advantage of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation as a resource for current information related to human trafficking. Their website can be found at
- Clarion Call – Follow-up – Michelle pointed out that there will be follow-up events such as Purple in the Park, related to Talbot Purple, on June 16 at Idlewild Park.She stated that there will also be events during the summer; for example, in Denton where the Task Force can have a handout and meet and greet table. Michelle and others will take advantage of these opportunities. She explained that she made a presentation last week for Shore-Up.
- Post-Conviction Relief to Survivors of Human Trafficking Training – As a result of this training there is now a group of attorneys available to provide pro bono post-conviction legal assistance to trafficking survivors.
- Prevention Project – Recent Advances – Kim and Kevin indicated that they will be meeting on June 8th with additional Wicomico County School System officials and have been contacted by other groups.
- Salisbury University/Task Force Intern – Becky gave an overview of the activities that Molly McGinty will be undertaking as an intern to the Task Force.
- Federal and State Legislation – Ed reminded attendees of the recently enacted federal and state human trafficking legislation.
- Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force Steering Committee – Ed summarized the discussions that took place during the March 23 meeting of the Steering Committee.
- Review the Task Force Mission Statement – After a discussion it was decided that the statement remains appropriate: “The MISSION of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force is to prevent and combat human trafficking (sex and labor exploitation) by encouraging, supporting and promoting public awareness and action within specific communities and counties throughout Maryland’s eastern shore.” Consistent with this statement the ESHTTF primary tasks will continue to focus on awareness, prevention, education and legislation.
- Task Force Meetings – It was determined that the Task Force should continue to meet monthly with meetings taking place throughout the eastern shore. Meetings will take place in Easton every other month. Two groups will begin planning public awareness meetings with multiple speakers covering a variety of human trafficking related topics in different locations as indicated below:
- Pastor Ositelu, Kim and Kevin Hendricks will focus on Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset Counties.
- Michelle H., Debra V. and Elizabeth J. will focus on Queen Anne’s. Caroline, Talbot and Dorchester Counties.
These events will be the focus of the next Task Force meeting.
- Becky will explore how and if CEUs can be made available as part of these events.
- Harriet House – Michelle stated that a group is beginning to raise resources to create a residential facility for victims/survivors. Information will be provided as this effort progresses.
- Facebook Page – Michelle volunteered to take the beginning steps to create an ESHTTF Facebook page.
- Next Meeting – The next meeting will take place on July 17, 2018 at Brookletts Place Senior Center, 400 Brookletts Ave. Easton, 21601 noon to 2:00 pm.
April 13, 2018 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
Meeting Summary
Ann Holladay | Kevin Hendricks |
Kim Hendricks | Pastor Ida Ositelu |
Pastor Michelle Harding | Debra Vecton |
Ed Thomas | Molly McGinty |
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Friday April 13th meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (ESHTTF) held at Christ Church, Easton.
- National Center on Sexual Exploitation Global Summit – Ed provided the highlights from the one day of the Summit he attended touching on: Sexual Violence, Building a Team, Digital Strategies, Parents Program (pornography), Technology, Curb Demand and Rethinking John Schools.
- Clarion Call – Wrap-up/Follow-up – Michelle described the Clarion Call to Pray 2018 – Battle Against Addiction event that took place on March 17th. She made a presentation during that event linking drug abuse and trafficking. Attendance at the event was good from throughout the eastern shore. The Task Force had an information table handing out materials and obtained contact information for 10 persons wanting to know about the Task Force and be involved in human trafficking. Michelle pointed out that there will be a follow-up event Purple in the Park, related to Talbot Purple with the participation of Talbot Prays on June 16 at Idlewild Park.2
- Post-Conviction Relief to Survivors of Human Trafficking – Up-Coming Training – In Laurie Culkin’s absence Ann Holliday described the training for legal professionals that will be taking place on April 27 to provide pro bono post-conviction legal assistance to trafficking survivors.
- Prevention Project – Recent Advances – Kim and Kevin provided the highlights of recent Prevention Project activities at Chesapeake College, Salisbury Ministerial Alliance, Wicomico County School System and with Pastor Ida Ositelu’s church in Laurel, Delaware. They indicated there will be followup events with these groups.
- Salisbury University/Task Force Intern – Molly McGinty (Salisbury University student) explained that she will be serving as a Task Force intern beginning in August. She will work 12-16 hours a week focusing on the Prevention Project, social media, obtaining grants, raising awareness and funds, and possibly other Task Force needs as her time will allow. The attendees were delighted to learn about Molly’s activities and look forward to the results.
- Federal and State Legislation – Ed provided an overview of the recent human trafficking related federal legislation that was enacted and of bills that were and were not enacted during the recently concluded session of the Maryland General Assembly.
- Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force Steering Committee – Ed summarized the discussions that took place during the March 23 meeting of the steering Committee including updates from the Victim’s Services, Legislation, Training, Public Awareness and Law Enforcement committees. Human Trafficking research to be conducted by U of MD students was also described.
- Input from Attendees – A discussion took place regarding future activities of the Task Force including:
• Has our mission, “The MISSION of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force is to prevent and combat human trafficking (sex and labor exploitation) by encouraging, supporting and promoting public awareness and action within specific communities and counties throughout Maryland’s eastern shore.” changed since the Task Force was restarted
• What are the primary tasks of the Task Force
• Should we continue to meet during the day
• Where should we meet
• Should we have another public awareness event It was decided that these topics would be the focus of the Task Force’s next meeting. - Next Meeting – The next Task Force meeting will take place on June 1, 2018.
January 26, 2018 Meeting Summary
Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task force
Moving forward to combat this evil together
Friday, January 26, 2018
Noon – 2:00 pm
Christ Church, Parish Hall
Ann Holladay
Elizabeth Jaramillo
Sheila Scott
Ann Hynes
Monika Mraz
Tawanda Griffin
Carol Kunkel
Kim Hopkins
Ida Ositelu
Joseph Prud’Homme
Marie D’Arcy
Michelle Harding
Ed Thomas
Barbara Friedman
? Davis
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Friday January 26th meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (ESHTTF) held at Christ Church, Easton.
- Introductions – Ann Holladay express appreciation to everyone for attending and everyone introduced themselves indicating their interest in human trafficking.
- Pornography and Human Trafficking – Ann introduced Joseph Prud’Homme, Director, Institute for Religion, Politics and Culture, Washington College stating that he has in-depth interest and expertise regarding the relationship between pornography and human trafficking. Joseph defined sex trafficking, its causes, demographic facts and why there is demand for sex trafficking. Highlights of his comments follow:
- Causes, Victimizer – greed, lust, economic desperation, consumption of pornography
- Causes, Victim – safety, money, economic desperation, addiction, have fun, social media, lack of services, pornography user
- Demography of Victims – half are children under 18; 40% African American, 25% white, 23 % Hispanic, 6% Asian; many are abducted, kidnapped (less so in the US); in urban areas in the US 40% are boys, worldwide 71% of victims are female
- Why Demand – concentration of men working away from home, isolation, stress, truck stops, male competition, sexual dysfunction, odd desires, lust to dominate
- Prevention Project Update – Ann Hynes pointed out that the Prevention Project would be at Chesapeake College on Wednesday January 31. The positive meeting the Hendricks had with the Wicomico County superintendent of education was outlined. Some of the new attendees were interested in the Prevention Project as a way to reach young persons, they were given information about the project and were encouraged to contact the Hendricks.
- National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), Activities – Ann Holladay described the work of NCOSE encouraging folks to visit their website to take advantage of the materials they make available the meetings and the free internet events. Ann drew attention to the End Sexual Exploitation Global Summit being held near Dulles Airport April 4 – 7.
Monika mentioned her prior work with UNICEF in New York emphasizing their work to end human trafficking. She indicated she would obtain the UNICEF human trafficking tool kit.
- Clarion Call Battle Against Addiction – Ann Hynes and Kim Hendricks have been representing the Task Force on the group planning for the March 17th eastern shore-wide event focused on the opioid addiction epidemic. Ann pointed out that the relationship between drugs and human trafficking will be covered and Michelle Harding will be on the program. Everyone was urged to attend.
- Legislation Update – Ed summarized the human trafficking bills that are currently before the Maryland General Assembly and US Congress. He provided a handout with information about the stste bills and indicated that several more bills are expected. We are part of the Maryland HTTF, Legislation Committee that reviews and takes action on the proposals. Ed urged attendees to inform their state and federal elected officials that they need to support legislation before them.
- Next Meeting – The next meeting will be a joint meeting with the Victims Services Committee of the state task force in Annapolis on March 7th.
June 2, 2017 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
June 2, 2017
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Friday, June 2 meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (TF) held at Christ Church in Easton.
Marion Barnett | Carol Kunkel
Anne Beane | Kathleen Maloney
Kristen Berkowich | Leigh Sandifer
Sheriff Joe Gamble | MaryAnn Schindler
Carol Gordean | Diane Shaffer
Kim Hendricks | Becky Smith
Ann Holladay | Ed Thomas
Ann Hynes
Everyone introduced themselves indicating their interest in Human Trafficking.
- Sheriff Gamble described the initiative he is leading, “Talbot Goes Purple,” a substance abuse awareness program that will engage the community and youth to stand against substance abuse. As background he provided some statistics:
- 8% of Talbot County high school seniors have tried heroin
- 91 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose
- 80% of heroin users started with recreational use of prescription painkillers
He emphasized that opioid abuse is already a crisis in Talbot County, on the eastern shore and throughout Maryland and indicated that it will get worse before it gets better.
A highlight of this endeavor will be the participation of former NBA player and former drug abuser Chris Herren in two in-school assemblies on September 19 and 20 and in a community event at 7:00 pm September 19. Joe described the many parts of the Purple Project and the gratifying way in which the Talbot communities and business have become engaged and supportive. He thanked the Task Force for becoming a Purple Project sponsor. Thereby, the ESHTTF is a partner/sponsor for the Project Purple events in Sept. Our name and logo will appear on their advertising and program. Ann stressed that she will explore with Sheriff Gamble how the TF members can become involved. Joe concluded by pointing out that legislation dealing with drug abuse has been enacted recently and more will be considered during the 2018 session of the General Assembly.
- Ed Thomas summarized a recent national report describing how Google is spending millions of dollars and making their lobbyists available in support of Backpage (a notorious internet prostitution and trafficking website) and working to prevent strengthening the federal Communications Decency Act which unintentionally makes it difficult to successfully prosecution pornography cases.
The report and an online petition were sent to TF members.
- MaryAnn Schindler provided an update regarding the Artworks for Freedom events that will take place in September in Easton including photo stories, paintings, panel discussions, music and other forms of artwork many created by trafficking survivors. She pointed out that there will be an education component. A website is being created and there will be coordination with the Project Purple. The events will take place six days a week over a three week period thus many volunteers will be needed. Some TF members indicated they will be available. MaryAnn will update the TF after their upcoming general board meeting. Ann Holladay will check with Becky Anthony to see if Salisbury U. students may get involved. Carol Kunkle described the quilt she made to be part of Artworks. After Easton Artworks will move to Washington D C.
- Diane Shaffer introduced Becky Smith who described her experiences during a recent human trafficking missions trip to the Manila area in the Philippines. Much of the activity was going into bars and strip clubs to engage the girls and try to rescue them, lead them into a different lifestyle. She pointed out that poverty and lack of education aids trafficking recruitment and sex tourism fosters the trafficking of young girls and boys.
- Leigh Sandiferdescribed her association with Seraphim Global an international human trafficking education, training and research organization. Leigh lives in Berlin on the lower eastern shore and is considering undertaking some HT activities as she reduces her Seraphim commitment in Arlington perhaps some structured fact finding or service directory efforts. She pointed out the labor trafficking that takes place in Ocean City. We will explore ways in which Leigh and the ESHTTF can cooperate.
- Ed described the University of Baltimore, School of Law, Trafficking Prevention Program, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service initiative. He explained that the TF will host a meeting of social service providers on July 12th when Jessica Emerson and Laurie Culkan from the University of Baltimore School of Law will provide information and training for how the free post-conviction legal services will be provided for human trafficking survivors. TF participants were invited to attend.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on July 12th after the MVLS meeting described above, which will begin at noon at Christ Church in Easton, wraps up.
April 28, 2017 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
April 28, 2017
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Friday, April 28 meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (TF) held at the Talbot County Free Library in Easton
Becky Anthony Carol Kunkel
Cherie Cronan Donna Lee
Lauren Gibson Nicole Long
Ann Holladay Ed Thomas
Ann Hynes Michael Wood
Sara Kominers
Everyone introduced themselves indicating there interest in human Trafficking.
1. Sara Kominers, Human Trafficking Policy Attorney, Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault/Sexual Assault Legal Institute described her responsibilities in helping to coordinate and provide leadership to the efforts of the Regional Navigators. She mentioned the work of the Rape Crises Centers and indicated she will work on legal issues such as protective orders, family law matters etc.
2. Becky A pointed out that the Hendricks had purchased the license for the Prevention Project for use with Salisbury University (SU) students. Becky, Kevin and Kim Hendricks and others took advantage of the “training the trainers” class that took place on April 3. The curriculum will be used as part of the summer and fall elective courses being offered at SU. Plans are underway to offer additional courses at SU next year. Also, after the first course is completed attempts will be made to offer the Prevention Project at other schools.
3. Ann H and Lauren G explained that the sponsors of the Artworks for Freedom human trafficking event planned for September in Easton are reaching out to arts, school and other groups and shaping their plans. Once they have more definite plans we will be able to determine roles for the TH, they will need many volunteers to help during the three week-long event.
4. There was a brief discussion of the Empower Me program. Ann H will contact Linda to express interest pertaining to forthcoming training opportunities.
5. Ed described the University of Baltimore, School of Law, Human Trafficking Prevent Program, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service initiative. He explained that the TF has been requested to help inform eastern shore human service providers about this program whereby free legal services will be made available to post conviction survivors of human trafficking. The Task Force is planning a meeting on July 12th to provide information and training.
6. A summary of the April 6th “Humans Are Not for Sale” conference held by the Family Services Program for the Circuit Court for Wicomico County was provided by Ed. Several TF members attended and were impressed by the presentation and work of Tina Frundt, Executive Director/Founder, Courtney’s House. The conference was well attended and received.
7. Ed provided an overview of the highlights and disappointments from the 2017 session of the General Assembly. Several human trafficking bills were enacted and some were not. The Legislation Subcommittee of the Maryland HTTF will be meeting in early May to begin planning a 2018 human trafficking legislative strategy.
8. Mike Wood outlined his prior participation with the TF and his current activities with Araminta. He explained that Araminta’s mission is to dismantle child sex trafficking; to engage in prevention, intervention and survivor services. To accomplish its mission, Araminta focuses on: 1. Prevention and Intervention Education Seminars, 2. Services for Survivors of Child Sex Trafficking, 3. Church and Community Awareness and Volunteer Mobilization. Ann H and Mike pointed out that Araminta has long range goal to establish a Young Life camp on the eastern shore. Mike will be participating in mentor and interaction with survivors training on May 17.
9. Information was provided regarding a May 3rd legislation related meeting of the Mid-Shore Republican Women’s League and a May 15th Internet/social media related meeting to be held at the Kent Island Library.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on June 2nd between noon and 2:00 pm location to be determined in Easton.
March 24, 2017 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
March 24, 2017
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Friday, March 24 meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (TF) held at Christ Church in Easton.
Becky Anthony
Ann Holladay
Lauren Gibson
Carol Kunkel
Kevin Hendricks
Shari Powers
Kim Hendricks
Ed Thomas
- Ed went over the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, Freedom Agenda event he attended focusing on the relationship of pornography to human trafficking.
- Lauren Gibson, Regional Navigator, For All Seasons, for the mid-shore area indicated that they are connecting resources with Life Crises re Sexual Assault and reaching out to build awareness of human trafficking. Lauren pointed out that the Carter Center juvenile detention facility in Chestertown is in partnership with For All Seasons in providing advocacy for the youth in the center, and they are working on providing educational workshops for the youth. The rape crises center reaches out to local law enforcement in all five counties.
- Ann summarized the meeting she attended regarding the Artworks for Freedom three week human trafficking event in Easton in September. She indicated that details regarding the event need to be worked out more before we can identify how the TF can be supportive. Ann did state that many volunteers will be needed to conduct the event. Carol will be contacting the leaders related to a quilting part of the event. Becky asked if there may be a place for her class to participate.
- Becky described the spring and fall human trafficking elective courses she will be teaching at Salisbury U. She is endeavoring to get other faculty members and students involved in anti-human trafficking at the University.
Becky indicated that she, Kim and Kevin will receive the training for the Prevention Curriculum on April 3rd and invited everyone to participate. Thereafter, they will be able to apply the curriculum in various student settings.
- There was a brief review of the Empower Me session that took place in February. Ann will follow-up with Katie to see if any “Training the Trainer” events will be held. Also, there was reference to a “Darkness to Light” training that is more in-depth.
- Ann drew attention to the “Purple Project” focusing on drug issues being led by Sheriff Gamble, more information will be provided as it becomes available.
- Ann and Ed summarized a phone conversation with Jessica Emerson who is responsible for the Maryland Volunteer Lawyer Service (MVLS) which provides free legal assistance to post conviction human trafficking survivors. A staff member has been added to focus on making these services available throughout the eastern shore. We have agreed to hold a lunch meeting on May 17 whereby Jessica and Laurie will explain the MVLS program to agency representatives who provide services to survivors. Details will be made available as they are provided to us.
- Shari highlighted her continuing work on the human trafficking curriculum she is developing. She expects to unveil it at St. Mark’s church and will let us know when it is scheduled to take place.
- Ed provided an update regarding the General Assembly related to human trafficking legislation. He indicated that several bills have been given unfavorable committee reports while others are still making their way through the General Assembly. Ed gave a brief overview of the bills under consideration. The legislative session ends in early April and a final report will be given at the April TF meeting.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on April 28 between noon and 2:00 pm at the Talbot County Free Library in Easton.
January 20, 2017 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
January 20, 2017
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Friday, January 20 meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (TF) held at the Talbot County Library in Easton.
Becky Anthony Ann Holladay
Susan Bartley Ann Hynes
Ayn Ducao Carol Kunkel
Robin Dunning Shari Powers
Michelle Harding Diane Shaffer
Kevin Hendricks Tom Stack
Kim Hendricks Ed Thomas
Ed Thomas welcomed attendees, introduced guests, Ayn Ducao and Tom Stack. He pointed out that we would discuss our respective activities with the guests and continue to address the Task Force’s areas of focus.
- Ann Ducao, Assistant US Attorney, Chairperson, Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force, described the Maryland Task Force membership and committee structure: Victim Services, Law Enforcement, Public Awareness, Training and Legislation and their current activities. The members are NGO, local, state and federal government leaders who serve on the TF as volunteers. She mentioned that the Back Page adult casual encounter website has been taken down, but expects the function will migrate to another location and she pointed out that Back Page had been cooperating with law enforcement. Ayn mentioned the U of MD Safe Center for Human Trafficking Survivors, the grant being managed by the U of MD School of Social Work and training focusing on medical facilities.
In response to the question what should the ESHTTF be concentrating on, Ayn responded: Justify the Need to Address Human Trafficking, Obtain Personal Victim/Survivor Stories, Partner with Law Enforcement and State’s Attorneys and Service Providers.
- Tom Stack, Public Safety Policy Analyst, Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention and member of the state TF congratulated the ESHTTF on its work and progress. Tom outlined the work of the Safe Harbor Working Group and its recommendations. He pointed out that three human trafficking bills have been introduced in the General Assembly and more can be expected. Tom urged the TF to send letters of support for the proposed legislation, this has been done.
Tom summarized the human trafficking focused law enforcement training that has been taking place and will continue throughout the state. He pointed out that to date 1,200 of the 16,000 law enforcement officers in Maryland have received the training. Tom stated that the training will take place in Frederick in February and the investigator training will be repeated in Ocean City this summer. It is clear that the training has resulted in increased arrests and convictions.
There was a discussion of the lack of knowledge pertaining to the limited services available to victims and survivors on the eastern shore. In response to a question regarding what should be done if you see or suspect trafficking is taking place the response was that calls should be made first to local police and next to the national Hot Line.
The growing connection between heroin and human trafficking was discussed. Ayn suggested providing training and public information. Ann H volunteered to check into this need and explore available training.
- Michelle Harding explained that the Hope Foundation will be working with young women at risk of becoming victims. The Foundation is beginning at Easton High School and will reach out from there. Michelle described the Talbot County Board of Education presentation and the positive response and requests for information and follow-up. There was good coverage of the event in The Star Democrat.
- Activities relevant to the Focus Areas were discussed as indicated in the following:
- Awareness
- Shari P distributed a draft syllabus “Human Trafficking Course of Study” and asked that it be reviewed and comments provided prior to or at the next meeting. Created a two sided TF “Rack Card” to be distributed throughout the Shore providing information about the TF, human trafficking and what can be done (Ed T & Diane S).
- The TF website has been update and is live at (Ed T)
- A business-card style card has been produced in English and Spanish with the HOT LINE phone and text numbers and copies provided to be distributed at truck stops, restaurant rest rooms and other places where vulnerable people may congregate.
- Reaching out to church and other groups to make them aware (Various persons) no progress.
- Making arrangements for a human trafficking meeting with business, civic, elected and community leaders in the Easton area in March 2017 (Ann Holladay & others).
- Meeting with Cara Rose (Homeland Securities Investigations) to obtain input related to the level of human trafficking on the Eastern Shore and to continue the discussion regarding her participation in the March 2017 public meeting (Ann Holladay) an email exchange took place, Cara is being sent to Atlanta for six months to provide training.
- Prevention/Education
- Meeting with the Talbot County Board of Education in January and arranging to meet with the PTSA of the Easton High School early next year and following-up with other county school systems and schools (Michelle H. and others). A successful meeting was held with the Board of Education on January 18, see item 3 on page 2.
- Following-up with Chief, Barbara Duncan, of the Salisbury Police Department to reach out to vulnerable groups and communities (Hendricks).
- Arranging EmPower Me Training to equip volunteers to reach out to elementary school age children in church, school and other settings (Ann Holliday & Diane S). The training will take place at the TF February 24 meeting.
- Creating a human trafficking elective course to be offered for the first time at Salisbury University in spring 2017 (Becky A). Becky is moving forward in an informal manner and expects the course will become formal over time. She will endeavor to arrange small group sessions with interested students as well and get more faculty members involved.
- Arranging student and faculty meetings/presentations at Salisbury University (Becky A). See above, the Hendricks and Becky are working together on this.
- Reaching out to Wor-Wic Community College to see about introducing discussion of human trafficking (Hendricks). Will approach Wor-Wic after the Prevention Program has been successfully applied at local schools.
- Contacting Young Life and other youth organizations to explore the possibility of having human trafficking as a topic at their annual/semi-annual conferences and retreats (Ann Holladay & Amor W). Ann H learned about the potential Young Life camp in Dorchester County.
- Direct Service
- Get CAC training and volunteers to stay with children while the CAC staff is interviewing other family members. The same approach can be used with other service providers. (Ann Holladay & Diane S).
- Informing law enforcement agencies that the TF is available to assist them.
- Help the Equine Assisted Psychotherapy & Learning Center (Various persons). Robin is reaching out to secure needed funding.
- Legislation
- Send a letter to the 16 Senators and Delegates representing the Eastern Shore in the MD General Assembly informing them about human trafficking on the shore and urging them, if they are not already, to get involved in preventing and combatting human trafficking. (Ed T). Done
- Advocate for and support legislative proposals before legislative bodies (Ed T & others). Ann and Ed are participating in the MDHTTF legislative conference calls. Have sent support letters for three bills and will continue to be involved.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on February 24 between noon and 2:00 pm at the Talbot County Free Library in Easton. The EmPower Me Training will take place during this meeting.
December 13, 2016 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
December 13, 2016
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Tuesday, December 13 meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (TF) held at the Talbot County Library in Easton.
Becky Anthony Shari Powers
Kevin Hendricks Diane Shaffer
Kim Hendricks Ed Thomas
Ann Holladay Amor Woolsey
Ann Hynes
Ann Holladay welcomed attendees and pointed out that though the TF has not met for a couple of months that Diane Shaffer, Michelle Harding, Ed Thomas, and herself had met several times in recent months to outline the focus for the TF in the near future. She pointed out that the geographic size and shape of the Eastern Shore present a challenge.
- Before discussing the focus areas Ann explained that there are updates to be presented:
- Ann Hynes shared the highlights of a conference see attended “It is not Prostitution: Dynamics of Human Trafficking and the Professional Role” in Dover on November 17 which was attended by approximately 500 medical, legal, law enforcement and other professionals the conference was arranged and led by Yolanda Schlabach, Founder and Executive Director, Zoe Ministries. Ann pointed out that there were a number of impressive speakers. Some problems such as the absence of treatment places and the need for quality foster care were addressed and there were many good ideas and recommendations. However, there didn’t seem to be any follow-up leading to actions.
- Kim and Kevin Hendricks summarized the highlights of the Shared Hope International “JUST” conference they attended at the Gaylord Center, National Harbor. This was a national event with many well-known speakers and a line-up of 43 workshops. They were most impressed with the “Prevention Project” which is a 6-lesson curriculum designed to equip schools with tools needed to prevent teens from becoming victims of human trafficking. Kim showed a brief video about human trafficking and the project. Kevin pointed out that the utility of the Prevention Project is not limited to schools. The curriculum can equip anyone who comes in contact with children. Kim and Kevin will be reaching out to public and private schools, law enforcement and other groups to make them aware of the Prevention Project and urging them to put it to use. For more information visit
- Robin Dunning was not able to attend to provide an update regarding the activities of The Horse Inspired Growth & Learning Center Inc. providing Equine Assisted Psychotherapy & Learning. Ann Holladay summarized the informative open house event that several members had attended at the center. The observed interaction between horses and victims is very helpful in providing therapy. Robin is in need of funding and referrals. For more information visit the Center’s new website at:
- Ann Holladay, Diane and Ed outlined the TF’s focus areas and related activities.
A. Awareness
- – The challenge is that people are unaware of human trafficking, don’t want to be aware or just don’t believe it exists on the shore. To meet this challenge we are:
- Developing a presentation and convening a group of youth leaders, pastors to explore how we can effectively reach out to young people in existing settings (Shari P & Amor W).
- Created a two sided TF “Rack Card” to be distributed throughout the Shore providing information about the TF, human trafficking and what can be done (Ed T & Diane S).
- The TF website has been updated and is live at (Ed T)
- A business card style card has been produced in English and Spanish with the HOT LINE phone and text number to be distributed at truck stop, restaurant rest rooms and other places where vulnerable people may congregate (Ed T).
- Reaching out to church and other groups to make them aware (Various persons).
- Making arrangements for a human trafficking meeting with business, civic, elected and community leaders in the Easton area in March 2017 (Ann Holladay & others).
- Meeting with Cara Rose (Homeland Securities Investigations) to obtain input related to the level of human trafficking on the Eastern Shore and to continue the discussion regarding her participation in the March 2017 public meeting (Ann Holladay).
B. Prevention/Education
- – Protecting the vulnerable from being trafficked and becoming victims is key to effective and successful Anti-Human Trafficking. The TF will focus on prevention by:
- Meeting with the Talbot County Board of Education in January and arranging to meet with the PTSA of the Easton High School early next year and following-up with other county school systems and schools (Michelle H. and others).
- Following-up with Chief, Barbara Duncan, of the Salisbury Police Department to reach out to vulnerable groups and communities (Hendricks).
- Arranging EmPower Me Training to equip volunteers to reach out to elementary school age children in church, school and other settings (Ann Holliday & Diane S).
- Creating a human trafficking elective course to be offered for the first time at Salisbury University in Spring 2017 (Becky A).
- Arranging student and faculty meetings/presentations at Salisbury University (Becky A).
- Reaching out to Wor-Wic Community College to see about introducing discussion of human trafficking (Hendricks).
- Contacting Young Life and other youth organizations to explore the possibility of having human trafficking as a topic at their annual/semi-annual conferences and retreats (Ann Holladay & Amor W).
C. Direct Service Assistance
- – Task force members are interested in assisting organizations and agencies who are providing direct services to victims by:
- Get CAC training and volunteers to stay with children while the CAC staff is interviewing other family members. The same approach can be used with other service providers. (Ann Holladay & Diane S).
- Informing law enforcement agencies that the TF is available to assist them.
- Help the Equine Assisted Psychotherapy & Learning Center (Various persons).
D. Legislation
- – Local, state and federal laws and programs need to be strengthened to combat human trafficking. To meet this need we will:
- Send a letter to the 16 Senators and Delegates representing the Eastern Shore in the MD General Assembly informing them about human trafficking on the shore and urging them, if they are not already, to get involved in preventing and combatting human trafficking. (Ed T).
- Advocate for and support legislative proposals before legislative bodies (Ed T & others).
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on January 20 pm between noon and 2:00 pm at the Talbot County Free Library in Easton.
August 9, 2016 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
August 9, 2016
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Tuesday August 9th meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (ESHTTF) held at the Overflow Cafe, Cambridge
Joann Muller Diane Shaffer
Anna Parr Michelle Harding
Dudley Parr Mary Dunlavey
Ruth Andrews Ann Hynes
Dave McElhinny Ed Thomas
DISCUSSION: Joann Muller welcomed everyone, thanked them for attending and opened the meeting. Ed Thomas provided a brief overview of the July meeting focusing on the goals that were identified as Alice Browning wrapped-up her discussions with the attendees.
Diane Shaffer provided information related to some of the goals and indicated that the Talbot County Department of Social Services has submitted its application for funds to continue its annual operating programs several of which relate to some of the goals that were put forth during the July meeting including:
- The funding will Expand Empower Me to teens, as a follow-up to human trafficking events and after police training. These funds will build capacity for human trafficking therapy within several programs.
- Diane stated that Empower Me is already in the school system and is in some churches in Easton.
- A state Department of Human Resources, Human Resources Expert will be making a human trafficking presentation to all Talbot County teachers. Diane will find out if this is taking place in other eastern shore counties.
- There is a parent support group as part of the Talbot County CAC.
- Anti-grooming legislation is needed.
- CAC’s can be non-profit organizations as well as a part of government.
- There will be an intern coordinating volunteer assistance to at the Talbot CAC.
Joann stated that for a Task Force to be effective it needs to determine and carry out a series of tasks. It needs to do more than meet and share information. She asked attendees to describe what they feel should be the role of the ESHTTF, what their expectations are and what they would do. A wide ranging discussion followed including the TF needs to:
- Make resources available to people in need
- Make the public aware of human trafficking
- Reverse patterns of destructive behavior
- Be a clearing house for programs to assist people in need
- Identify models that can be applied in other jurisdictions
- Coordinate agencies and organizations to better meet needs
- Identify & inform local community leaders to get involved
A brief conversation took place regarding whether the TF is faith based and what is/should be its composition. The discussion unveiled the need to clarify and enunciate the mission and purpose of the ESHTTF.
There was a brief discussion dealing with the responsibilities of medical and other professionals in reporting real or potential instances of human trafficking.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Ann Hynes provided information regarding two events taking place in Delaware:
- Sex Trafficking Happens in Delaware, October 1, 2016, 9 am-12 noon. Crossroad Community Church, Georgetown DE.
- Human Trafficking Conference, Delaware’s Professional Training, November 17, 2016, 9am-4pm, Dover Downs – focusing on medical and counseling topics.
Ed provided information pertaining to the Human Trafficking meeting to take place at the Kent Island United Methodist Church at 6:00 pm on August 19 including showing the movie “In Plain Site” followed by a discussion about human trafficking. This is an opportunity to acquaint people in the upper shore about the ESHTTF.
Ann also provided a summary of the awareness activities of Yolanda Schlabach and Zoe Ministries in Delaware.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on September 13 at 7:00 pm at the Overflow Café, 400 Muir Street, Cambridge, MD 21613.
July 21, 2016 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
July 21, 2016
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Thursday July 21th meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (ESHTTF) held at Christ Church, Easton.
Michelle Harding Joann Muller Alice Browning
Diane Shaffer Anna Parr Michael Pucci
Kim Hendricks Dudley Parr Adele Pucci
Kevin Hendricks Ruth Andrews Ajarn Chulee
Ann Holladay Dave
Carol Kunkel Michael Stivers
Abby Carlson Sheri Powers
Ed Thomas Jan Murphy
DISCUSSION: Ann Holladay explained that the purpose of the meeting was to have a facilitated discussion of the relationships between community development and empowerment and human trafficking. Ann introduced Alice Browning who would be leading the discussion. Alice introduced the remainder of the team, Michael and Adele Pucci and Professor Ajarn Chulee. The team’s widespread human trafficking expertise and experiences were described.
The attendees introduced themselves indicating why they are interested in human trafficking, also known as modern day slavery, why they are interested in fighting human trafficking and the skills and passions they already have to fight trafficking. Everyone participated in an exploration of the goals of the task force, what they wanted to change and potential actions that could be taken.
Diane Shaffer led a discussion of the role and operations of Child Advocacy Centers (CAC). Five of the nine eastern shore counties have CACs two are starting them and there is no activity in two counties.
After a delightful dinner Alice emphasized the importance of prevention and awareness stressing that too few people know about human trafficking and fewer still know what to do about it. Alice, with some input from the attendees, outlined a series of topics that had emerged from the evening’s interaction that will be considered in developing an
Anti-human trafficking strategy for the ESHTTF. The list of topics follows:
- Absence of a Grooming Law
- CAC’s. what is going on elsewhere on the eastern shore, make the Talbot County model available to other jurisdictions
- Coordinate volunteer assistance to the Talbot County CAC
- Availability of direct services such as those provided at the Overflow Café, provision of a diversity of services, how should they be supported
- Expansion of the Empower Me Program into work places and schools
- Human trafficking school curriculum
- Parent support groups
- Church engagement strategy, coordinate volunteer engagement
- Pornography
In response to the question “What does the Overflow Café need” Dudley indicated: intercessory and personal prayer, people to work alongside those who are involved now and connection to/engagement with churches.
Alice concluded by stating that based on the foregoing list and other input given throughout the evening she would prepare a draft action strategy for discussion and refinement at subsequent meetings.
Ann and the attendees thanked Alice and the team for a very productive evening and indicated they were looking forward to making more progress.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on August 9 at the Overflow Café, 400 Muir Street, Cambridge, MD 21613.
July 14, 2016 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
July 14, 2016
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Thursday July 14th meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (ESHTTF) held at Christ Church, Easton.
Michelle Harding Joann Muller Alice Browning
Diane Shaffer Anna Parr Michael Pucci
Kim Hendricks Dudley Parr Adele Pucci
Kevin Hendricks Ruth Andrews Ajarn Chulee
Ann Holladay Dave
Carol Kunkel Sherry
Ed Thomas
DISCUSSION: Ann Holladay explained that the purpose of the meeting was to have a facilitated discussion of the relationships between community development and empowerment and human trafficking. Ann introduced Alice Browning who would be leading the discussion. Alice introduced the remainder of the team, Michael and Adele Pucci and Professor Ajarn Chulee. The team’s widespread human trafficking expertise and experiences were described.
The attendees introduced themselves indicating why they are interested in human trafficking, why they are interested in fighting human trafficking, the skills and passions they already have to fight trafficking. Everyone participated in an exploration of the goals of the task force, what they wanted to change and potential actions that could be taken.
Diane Shaffer led a discussion of the role and operations of Child Advocacy Centers (CAC). Five of the nine eastern shore counties have CACs two are starting them and there is no activity in two counties.
After a delightful dinner Alice emphasized the importance of prevention and awareness stressing that too few people know about human trafficking and fewer still know what to do about it. Alice, with some input from the attendees, outlined a series of topics that had emerged from the evening’s interaction that will be considered in developing an
Anti-human trafficking strategy for the ESHTTF. The list of topics follows:
- Absence of a Grooming Law
- CAC’s. what is going on elsewhere on the eastern shore, make the Talbot County model available to other jurisdictions
- Coordinate volunteer assistance to the Talbot County CAC
- Availability of direct services such as those provided at the Overflow Café, provision of a diversity of services, how should they be supported
- Expansion of the Empower Me Program into work places and schools
- Human trafficking school curriculum
- Parent support groups
- Church engagement strategy, coordinate volunteer engagement
- Pornography
In response to the question “What does the Overflow Café need” Dudley indicated: intercessory and personal prayer, people to work alongside those who are involved now and connection to/engagement with churches.
Alice concluded by stating that based on the foregoing list and other input given throughout the evening she would prepare a draft action strategy for discussion and refinement at subsequent meetings.
Ann and the attendees thanked Alice and the team for a very productive evening and indicated they were looking forward to making more progress.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on August 9 at the Overflow Café, 400 Muir Street, Cambridge, MD 21613.
April 6, 2016 Meeting Summary
Moving forward to combat this evil together
April 6, 2016
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place during the Wednesday April 6th meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (ESHTTF) held at The Church of the King, Easton.
Robin Dunning
Silvia Garwood
Michelle Harding
Kim and Kevin Hendricks
Ann Holladay
Carol Kunkel
Melody Prairie
Ivette Riera Salarich
Diane Shaffer
Ed Thomas
Ann Wilson
DISCUSSION: Ann Holladay provided a brief summary of the ESHTTF March 5 meeting and an overview of the prior activities of the Task Force. She reviewed recent Human Trafficking meetings she attended which further confirm the need for awareness and training to combat human trafficking.
Diane Shaffer, Talbot County, Assistant Director, Department of Social Services, described the trafficking related activities of her department and the work of the Talbot County Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC). She stressed that the CAC needs volunteers to stay with children while the CAC staff is interviewing other family members. Diane mentioned the Empower Me
Program for young children indicating churches and other organizations may want to take advantage of this resource for training young children as a means of preventing trafficking.
Silvia Garwood and Ivette Salarich outlined the work of the Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence (Kent, Caroline, Queen Anne’s, Talbot, Dorchester Counties). She described the difficulties of gaining the trust and providing assistance particularly to the Hispanic communities. Mid-Shore uses a variety of methods to reach out about available violence services including visiting schools and churches and getting information to community leaders.
Robin Dunning and Ann Wilson gave an update on their “Horse Therapy” provided by The Horse Inspired Growth & Learning Center indicating it produces rapid positive results “it is better than talk therapy.” They have not worked with human trafficking victims on the Eastern Shore to date. The availability of their services has been made known to the local service providers. They provide demonstrations and offered to do so for the ESHTTF. A future meeting of the Task Force will be scheduled to take place at the Center.
Carol Kunkel summarized her recent activities regarding truck drivers pointing out that she has an appointment with the new director who oversees trucking operations at Perdue.
Kevin and Kim Hendricks described their focus on prevention and awareness going to churches and other groups. They provided an update on showing of “Caged No More” at the Regal Theatre in Salisbury on May 16th 7:30-9:30 pm. They indicated that a minimum of 103 tickets must be sold at $13.50 each, 22 tickets had been sold as of April 6. A couple attendees stated that they would buy 10 each. Kim provided copies of a Caged No More, Small Group Curriculum (Leaders Handbook and Student Edition) four-week Bible Study. Everyone was requested to promote the May 16 movies and make information known about the Bible Study.
Melody Prairie expressed her interest in helping human trafficking victims and in preventing trafficking. She will volunteer time and her hair stylist services. Melody said that she has many opportunities to make people aware about combatting human trafficking.
Michelle Harding outlined her prior Task Force and trafficking activities. She stated that she would be starting a series of regional human trafficking “what is going on” prayer breakfasts. The first breakfast will be held in the Easton area on June 4. Michelle indicated that in the long-term she hopes to see a safe house created for trafficking victims.
Ann mentioned that Alice Browning, Community Empowerment, will be doing some work related to human trafficking. Ann will contact her to see if the Eastern Shore, or parts thereof, can be the subject of her work. She encouraged everyone to attend the American Conversations panel discussion addressing human trafficking on April 19th at the Avalon Theater in Easton.
FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES: Ann reviewed the progress on the actions contained in the “Next Steps” list, from the March meeting and added a couple items forming the following follow-up actions list:
- Fund Raising – Ann will look into the possibility of obtaining foundation funding. Ed will see what funding may be available through the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention.
- Trucking Industry – Carol Kunkel will continue exploring ways that trucking firms and drivers can be challenged to address Human Trafficking issues. She will be meeting with the trucking supervisor at Purdue Poultry.
- Awareness Products – Julie Wheatley will draft some sample HT awareness brochures, messages tailored for specific target groups.
- Media, Social Networking – The group will develop suggestions for how to get the HT message out to the public; for example, press releases, media contacts, public service announcements, face book, twitter, Instagram other social media outlets and blogs.
- Faith Community – Michelle is starting a series of regional prayer breakfasts to reach out to and engage the faith community to become aware of and work toward stopping Human Trafficking.
- Website – Ed will continue to explore means whereby the Task Force website can be restarted/created.
- Resources – Develop a list of available books, films, DVDs, handouts etc. that can be used and made available to spread the Anti-HT message.
- Membership – Everyone was asked to provide names (to Ann H) of prospective Task Force members and to feel free to contact potential members and invite them to the next meeting.
- Legislation – Katie (Delegate Mautz’s office) and Ed will provide a summary at the next meeting of what took place during the General Assembly session that ended on April 11. The group needs to prepare a strategy for getting Eastern Shore members of the General Assembly engaged in and taking action to combat Human Trafficking.
- Caged No More – Everyone was requested to promote and attend the showing of the movie “Caged No More” on May 16th in Salisbury.
- Community Empowerment – Ann to contact Alice Browning regarding her upcoming empowerment activities.
- Roper Program – Robin volunteered to look into the Roper Violence Assistance Program.
- Equine Therapy Center – Robin/Ann W to arrange for the Task Force to meet at the Center and see demonstration.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on May 24 in Easton beginning at 6:30 pm, location to be determined.
NOTE: This meeting summary was prepared by Ed Thomas if you have additions, deletions or corrections send them to
March 5th, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Moving forward to combat this evil together
Following is a summary of the highlights of the discussions that took place at Saturday, March 5th meeting of the Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force (ESHTTF).
Robin Dunning
Ellen Grunden
Michelle Harding
Kim and Kevin Hendricks
Ann Holladay
Ann Hynes
Carol Kunkel
Katie Moose
Ed Thomas
Julie Wheatley
DISCUSSION: Ann Holladay provided a brief overview of the January 30th awareness workshop held in Salisbury. She emphasized that trafficking is everywhere and a public awareness campaign comparable to “Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)” is needed to draw attention and action to eradicate Human Trafficking.
Ann and Michelle provided a brief history of the ESHTTF describing its prior awareness work, reaching out to the faith community, prayer walks, training and other activities etc.
Ed explained the participation of Aglow Mid-Atlantic in its Anti-Human Trafficking awareness activities.
Ann drew attention to the list of potential Goals for the ESHTTF which had been distributed prior to the meeting. She pointed out that this meeting was a start at meeting the first goal of “Growing” the ESHTTF and suggested that the ESHTTF may want to focus on raising Funds, helping with Victim Services such as via the Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs), Conducting Research (what is happening throughout the US) and Assisting Homeless Shelters.
The attendees outlined their reasons for getting involved in combating Human Trafficking including:
- Concern about what happens at truck stops, interest in providing information to the trucking industry.
- Response to grooming of youngsters for trafficking.
- Various techniques for increasing awareness to different public and private sectors.
- Working through the legislative processes.
- Assisting with child justice groups.
- Working within the medical system, particularly related to drug addiction.
- Need to assist victims.
- Bringing awareness to economic development organizations.
- Assisting with marketing, providing outreach materials.
- Expanding the application of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy with trafficking victims.
Ellen Grunden, Talbot County, Deputy State’s Attorney, summarized her work in the area of crimes against persons including domestic and child abuse and her work with people who administer to the broken. In response to the question “how can we help” she said “reduce my case load” and offered several ways the public can help including:
- Volunteer at Children’s Advocacy Centers and with other victims’ service entities.
- Support, assist, and build relationships with vulnerable persons, those susceptible to being trafficked.
- Need for care and attention within the faith communities.
- Provide safe sanctuaries.
- Pay attention to the Sex Offender Registry.
- Provide training programs; for example, Empower Me, teach youngsters what to be on the alert for to avoid being trafficked.
- Interact at the adolescence stage.
- Talbot Mentors are available to help with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA Mid- Shore).
- Assist the safe home, Thrive at 25, in Denton.
- Report suspected abuse.
- Watch the behavior of family members, friends and associates.
LEGISLATION UPDATE: Katie Moose staff person in Delegate Johnny Mautz’s office, provided information regarding the following Human Trafficking related bills currently being consider by the General Assembly:
- HB 101 – Human Trafficking and Related Crimes, Penalties
- HB 219 – Adult Penalties, Human Trafficking
- HB 292 – Police Training Requirements, Human Trafficking
- SB 15 – Child Placement, Prohibition on Human Trafficking Restrictions
All four bills have received unfavorable committee reports.
NEXT STEPS: There was a group discussion of potential next steps for the Task Force to pursue which produced the follow:
- Fund Raising – Ann H. will look into the possibility of obtaining foundation funding.
- Trucking Industry – Carol Kunkel will explore ways that trucking firms and drivers can be challenged to address the Human Trafficking issues. Possible starting places include Trinity Transportation (Seaford, DE), Burris Trucking (Milford DE), Poultry firms and truck stops (MD & DE). Ed will send her contact information for two national Anti-HT organizations.
- Awareness Products – Julie Wheatley will draft some sample HT awareness brochures, messages tailored for specific target groups.
- Media, Social Networking – The group will develop suggestions for how to get the HT message out to the public; for example, press releases, media contacts, public service announcements, face book, twitter, Instagram other social media outlets and blogs.
- Faith Community – Michelle will look into ways to further reach out to and engage the faith community to become aware of work toward stopping Human Trafficking.
- Website – Ed will explore means whereby the Task Force website can be restarted/created.
- Resources – Develop a list of available books, films, DVDs, handouts etc. that can be used and made available to spread the Anti-HT message.
- Membership – Everyone was asked to provide names (to Ann H) of prospective Task Force members and to feel free to contact potential members and invite them to the next meeting.
- Legislation – The group needs to prepare a strategy for getting Eastern Shore members of the General Assembly engaged in and taking action to combat Human Trafficking.
- Caged No More – Kim and Kevin Hendricks asked for assistance regarding a showing of the movie “Caged No More” on May 16th in Salisbury. They will be providing promotional materials and letting us know how we can help make this event a success.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on April 6th beginning at 6:30 pm at the Church of the King, 7847 US 50 (Ocean Gateway) Easton.
NOTE: This meeting summary was prepared by Ed Thomas if you have additions, deletions or corrections send them to