Goals for the ESHTTF

I. Grow the Task Force with volunteers who are equipped (or willing to be) and passionate about addressing modern day slavery in their respective communities.
II. Develop a budget and timeline to raise funds for designated programs and a fundraising strategy to meet stated goals.
III. Encourage, support, and promote public awareness, education, and outreach activities within specific community and counties according to their particular problems and needs.
IV. Provide or arrange for training of speakers for the use of social media to collect and share information regarding trafficking on the eastern shore .
V. Contribute to the education and training of first responders with funding and/ or speakers. This may include but not limited to: teachers, social workers, youth group leaders, law enforcement officers, school resource officers, family services employees, social services staff.
**NOTE: Salisbury, through the Office of the Mayor and GOCCP, conducted a law enforcement training on Jan.12-13 2016.
VI. Address victim services needs by:
Conducting a community needs and available services assessment to determine needs specific to each area.
Conducting a service review within MD, as well as within other states, to determine best practices
VII. Address legislative actions by informing interested citizens of important federal, state, and local legislation proposals designed to aid in combating human trafficking, as well as organizing efforts to advocate for key legislation.
VIII. Address trafficking and the Internet by establishing VGT (Virtual Global Task Force) zones within various communities and counties.
IX. Establish a Blue Ribbon Campaign supportive of businesses that adhere to anti-trafficking practices. These may include but not be limited to: hotels/motels, Nail Salons, Massage Parlors, Restaurants, and Farming and Agricultural establishments.
X. Establish working relationship with Child Advocacy Centers and other organizations engaged in identifying and servicing victims of trafficking.
XI. Engage and mobilize faith communities to combat this evil with prayer and enlist volunteers to meet practical needs of victims as directed by child services organizations.
Note: Many churches and synagogues on the Eastern Shore have been engaged by hosting speakers to educate the public on human trafficking as well as forming groups and prayer walks.