Our Challenge

What Is Human Trafficking?
Sex Trafficking is a commercial sex act induced by force, fraud or coercion, or if the person performing the act is not yet 18 years of age.
Labor Trafficking is recruitment or obtaining a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of involuntary servitude or slavery.
- Human trafficking is the second highest grossing criminal enterprise!
- More victims are US citizens than foreign born!
- Males, boys are victims as well as women, girls!
- Children, adolescents, and adults are victims!
- Victims are from wealthy and poor families!

Eastern Shore Human Trafficking Task Force
- Child Sex Trafficking is taking place from Somerset through Cecil Counties
- 396 survivors of human trafficking were identified in Maryland in 2014
- Our young people are at risk of sex abuse
- In 2015 in Maryland there were 12,397 victims of child abuse and neglect increasing vulnerability
- Labor Trafficking is occurring throughout the Eastern Shore.

Our Mission
Is to prevent and combat human trafficking (sex and labor exploitation) by encouraging, supporting and promoting awareness and action within specific communities and counties throughout the Eastern Shore.

Why the Eastern Shore
- Located within the heavily travelled US east coast corridor
- Near large metropolitan areas
- Tourism, recreation attractions
- Substantial farming area
- Drug use and poverty
- Lack of awareness that trafficking is here
- Close to major international airports in Baltimore, Washington, D.C and Philadelphia

Help Is Available!
Several federal, state and local agencies and non-governmental organizations are actively working hard to prevent and combat trafficking and caring for victims.

What Can We Do?
- Become aware and help spread awareness about human trafficking
- Learn how to identify human trafficking and what to do about it
- Volunteer our time, skills and resources
- Assist those who are treating and caring for victims
- Arrange, attend human trafficking events
- Help young people to avoid becoming a victim
- Work with and engage at-risk, vulnerable youth
- Report suspicious activities to local and state police, 911, and to the National Human Trafficking Hot Line 1-888-373-7888
- Push for stronger local and state legislation and resources
- Encourage school officials, elected officials, youth leaders, pastors and law enforcement to get more involved in preventing and stopping trafficking